so next up on this list we have the body
801 now this vehicle is only 15,000
dollars and I had to decide between this
and the Haku watchu motorcycle now those
two motorcycles are some very very good
ones and the reason why I would suggest
you guys purchase this one is because
it's actually better than a lot of the
other motorcycles now obviously when you
think of motorcycles in gta5 think of a
fast one that you can use most people
would opt for the Akuma
now obviously the Akuma is a very very
fast motorcycle but personally when it
comes down to just everything in GTA 5
and what you can actually do with it I
personally don't really like the Akuma
and the main reason for that is because
it's not good at pulling wheelies now I
guarantee you guys have seen some bike
trick shot videos and stuff like that
and people doing really cool stunts with
motorcycles they're pretty hard to
actually hit with an Akuma and the body
801 and the Haku watchu are some of the
best vehicles or bikes that you can
actually use to do those kinds of stunts
so obviously the body 801 is also a very
very quick vehicle and when it comes
down to it of which one you should
purchase between the body 801 and the
Haku watch you I would suggest both of
them they're both amazing vehicles I use
both of them whenever I actually do any
kinds of bike races because they are
personally my favorite motorcycles so
when it comes down to it this spot is
taken up by the body 801 and the hukka
watch you they're both great at pulling
wheelies doing stunts and you guys can
definitely go over a ton of different
curbs and definitely make a montage of
all the cool stunts you can do on these
vehicles so the next vehicle on this.
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